Kirsten and Kevin, Santa Barbara Courthouse & El Paseo Restaurant

We had the privilege to travel up North to Santa Barbara to celebrate Kirstin and Kevin’s special day. The Charming Little Event Company was thrilled to be part of this joyful celebration at such a beautiful location. The Sunken Garden … Continue reading

Certified Roses, Guess Where?!

As a huge fan of Costco, I had to pass along some news regarding their fabulous, fresh roses.  As of June 15, 2008, all roses purchased from South America by Costco and sold in the warehouses are RA (Rainforest Alliance) certified.

What does that mean? The RA standards protect ecosystems and wildlife habitats (yay!), conserve water and soil, promote decent and safe working conditions and ensure that the farms are good neighbors to rural communities and wild lands.  Yet another reason to pick-up your fresh florals at Costco.

If you are planning a smaller event such as a bridal or baby shower, or dinner party, and want to arrange the flowers yourself, the flowers at Costco are a perfect way to spruce up tables and decor.  And the prices, well let’s just say you will get quite a bargain!

Tag – You’re GREEN!

As defenders of Mother Earth and all that great stuff, going green has really made a statement.  This week I was tagged by the Bridal Party LLC to share with readers how I have made improvements to become more eco-friendly.

* I always turn off lights when I leave a room, home or out in public (probably annoys people!)

* I recycle every bag that I bring home, plastic or paper.  I’ll use it for another task like baby diaper pail, cat litter, trash bag, etc.

* I bought Trader Joe’s reusable grocery bags.  Cute and strong!

* I use recycled paper

*  I collect my empty water bottles (whenever I have some) and cans and give them to my MOMS Club recycling queen

* Speaking of water bottles, I rarely use them because I bought plastic water containers instead and fill those up with perfectly good tap water!

Now it’s your turn!  I’m tagging:

Simply Modern Weddings

Asha Adkins